17th AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved

We hope you are enjoying the 17th AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved. The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at NCI seeks to eliminate cancer-related disparities by promoting and conducting health equity research that identifies and addresses the mechanisms contributing to disparities across the cancer control continuum and throughout the human lifespan. Below please find a sampling of key documents from DCCPS. For additional resources and more information about DCCPS and its work, please go to cancercontrol.cancer.gov.


DCCPS serves as the National Cancer Institute’s bridge to public health research, practice, and policy, playing a unique role in reducing the burden of cancer in the United States. The division aims both to advance cancer control research and to ensure that it’s effectively translated into practice in all segments of the population. Through innovative research initiatives, leadership, and the synthesis of knowledge and its dissemination, the division serves as the nation’s model for cancer control research and beyond.


DCCPS has the lead responsibility at NCI for supporting research in surveillance, epidemiology, health services, behavioral science, implementation science, and cancer survivorship. Use the following resources to learn more about DCCPS’s funding and other opportunities, or to connect with staff within your research area.



DCCPS funds cancer control research as well as programs to provide training for careers in biomedical, behavioral, social, and clinical research. Explore current funding opportunities, grant funding policies and strategies, and more.


Program Areas

Developing and applying quality research in behavioral and social sciences to cancer prevention and control.


Understanding susceptibility to cancer and cancer-related outcomes through grant-supported, population-based research.


Evaluating patterns and trends in cancer-associated health behaviors, risk factors, healthcare services, economics, and outcomes.


Understanding the causes of disparities in cancer and developing effective interventions that address them in an effort to achieve health equity for all Americans.


Advancing research and practice to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based interventions and policies into routine health care.


Collecting and analyzing data and developing statistical methods to answer key cancer-related questions.


Working to improve the quality and length of survival of all persons diagnosed with cancer and to prevent, minimize, or manage adverse effects of cancer and its treatment.


Last Updated
September 19, 2024